Cooling Off
Azuki is no dumb pup. She always knows where the best place to be is at all times.
In the heat of Tokyo, when we put the air conditioning on in the bedroom, she will automatically go in there and claim her usual spot on the furry mat besides our bed--even when we are still in the livingroom! Usually, she wants to be in whichever room that we are in, but apparently, comfort trumps loyalty in our pup.
Yesterday we got a de-humidifier that can also act as a small unit of portable air conditioner. I put it by me while I am on the computer. After realizing what the machine actually does, she promptly plops herself down right in front of the dehumidifier for a mid-day nap, right in the range where the cool air blows (up and down).
Isn't life so hard for a dog??
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