Life with Azuki, the crazy puppy

This is a blog about my toy poodle puppy, Azuki. I thought it is only appropriate for me to dedicate a blog about her since she has basically taken over our lives.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Up to No Good

I hesitated to posted the above picture, because who really wants to see my granny cotton underwear?? However, I must prove that the seemingly adorable tote on this blog is really capable of mischief, and one of her favorite pastime these days is to dig through the dirty laundry basket and fish out my underwear. She actually would bypass Matt's boxers and even his funky-smellying socks and head straight for my stuff. Gross, you say? Tell me about it!

As unsavory (and unsanitary) as that sounds, it has proven to be one of Azuki's delicacies, rivaled perhaps only by the oil on her pa's face.

It bothered me greatly that she seemed to enjoy gnawing on them while I am in the shower because of the grossness factor(she likes them fresh, so will literally follow me into the bedroom, wait for me to undress and hop into the shower, AND THEN proceed to get her prize when I am not around to monitor her). But I had a new reason to get angry when i started to find holes in half of my undergarment wardrobe. She was out to destroy them! As you can clearly see, I possess very few nice undergarments and the ones she has destroyed are probably due for an overhaul anyways...but it is still a very irritating and expensive habit which she has developed.

Now I have to close the closet door at all times to limit her access. Out of sight, out of mind.

The first picture is Azuki stealthily climbing into a box of toiletries that we bought in the US and had it shipped to Japan. She had a blast hopping in and out of the box. Very quickly she discovered how tasty the foam cubes inside were, and would proceed to eat them, one by one. I was wondering how that could be edible, and my suspicions rang true. The next morning, she had a bout of diarrea in which the foam came out the other end. She also apparently ate too much grass the previously day, because I also found some grassy puke on the bathroom mat. As you can see, our dog is on a very sensible diet. Ah, the joys of having a hyperactive, underwear-destroying, and grass-eating dog.

And yes, that is a box of tampax tampons in next to Azuki. If you ever tried Japan-made tampons you would have them ship to you too!