Life with Azuki, the crazy puppy

This is a blog about my toy poodle puppy, Azuki. I thought it is only appropriate for me to dedicate a blog about her since she has basically taken over our lives.

Friday, November 09, 2007

This is Not Acceptable

It started out innocently enough. Azuki was on my lap while I was on the computer, again. I was actually doing work this time, and not just surfing the web and doing nothing with my life like I usually am.

Okay, here is where I must digress a bit and tell you that the above sentence is a not-so-sly reference to the anonymous reader who posted a very belligerent, incoherent, and perplexingly long comment on this blog, accusing me of having no life by having this good-for-nothing blog. I have deleted it because I really don't want my readers (hi mom! hi matt's mom!) to read such inappropriate language (it's a family-friendly blog, people! please comment accordingly). Actually, the person used a lot of interesting word choices, including a whole lot of gay bashing, which I am not sure is at all relevant to his/her point of me wasting my life by having a blog about my dog. In a way it is kind of exciting, because, it's like, woa, you took out like 30 minutes of your very productive, meaningful life to tell me how much you hate my blog, and also how much you hate me? When you don't even know me? When you can very well spend that 30 minutes saving the lives of orphans in Ethiopia, or finding a cure for cancer. It makes me feel so...IMPORTANT.

To me, I have no lofty ambitions, and instead of spending my time telling off some total stranger in cyber space what a loser they are, I rather spend it blogging about my dog. And my life with my dog. And my life with my husband and my dog. Not necessarily listed in order of importance.

Okay, now back to what I was saying...

The pup likes to be on our laps. All the time. Anywhere. That would include when we are on the toilet. And I'll leave it at that so you don't start get any images.

First, Azuki paws at my leg and then jumps squarely into my lap:

Now, a furry head is blocking my monitor. I am trying to work here, you monkey head you:

Um, excuse me, but I believe you are crossing a very delicate line here:

Okay you've crossed it. You are going down, bitch.