Azuki love autumn. It is indeed her favorite season---not too hot, not too cold. Frolicking outside means that she can burrow in piles of leaves, chase squirrels that frequently come down to eat the nuts falling from trees, and just relish in being free and wild.
She really isn't suppose to run free at all hours of the day, which she does. But you know what?
Azuki is 8 pounds. She poses no danger to anyone but, perhaps the squirrels. The doting pup mom that I am, I'd like to think that my pup is keeping the squirrels lean and fit by having to run really fast away from her ;)
I took this photo with my cell phone the other day, and it turned out really well. I showed it to my friend, who knows just how crazy Azuki can be, and she was like, "woa, Azuki seems so calm when she is motionless in the photos. It's so deceiving!"