Photos of a Crime Scene
Azuki and I went back to the spot where she jumped into the lake the other day, and I took some photos to show you how everything took place:
This is the beautiful and serene lake that Azuki jumped into:
This is the rock that me and Azuki climbed over. Yes, the pup can climb that thing vertically!
Azuki in action--navigating the hilly terrain:
Again, more couples there whispering sweet-nothings in each others' ears. This couple was feeding each other. Can you blame them? This spot is picture perfect:
This was actually the exact spot that Azuki made her leap of faith (I mean, did she even know that she could swim??). It does look kind of tempting, doesn't it:
She sees the lake and wants to go for a swim again. I had to restrain her with one hand while taking a photo with another. No small feat with a very strong pup, I tell ya.
Random turtles sunbathing in a weird pyramid-like form. They scrambled off into the water soon after I took this photo:
Azuki taking a breather on the grass, observing her surroundings:
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